We are proud to have the best live streaming software available for our families. We live stream the services for families who wish to do so at no cost to any family. Each family has their own live stream channel that links to the deceased's obituary right on our website. This allows us to not use platforms live Vimeo or Facebook Live and makes it more private for families.
We believe that privacy is still important and want to make sure families have the best possible experience. For more information on these services, please reach out to one of our dedicated staff members, and they can answer any questions that you might have.
We bring the finest software in recording services for our families so those who cannot attend the service or who are unable to view the livestream are able to watch the service.
Families have very busy schedules and are constantly on the go. By recording a service, your family can watch the service from the comfort of your own home and on your own time. Once the service is completed, we turn the recording into a video that is published under the deceased's obituary for any family or friends to view when they are able to.
For more information on these services, please reach out to one of our dedicated staff members, and they can answer any questions that you might have.
Circle of Friends+ provides you with resources on grief support and settling affairs, sent to you via text and email.
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